The Pause for Peace initiative was conceived during a time when Kenya was in deep political crisis. It provides a platform to create a Peaceful and Positive Change. It is an opportunity to PAUSE for a moment to connect with the inner self and God.
Youth leaders from the slums & other institutions in Nairobi, who were looking for peace outside were invited and given the experience of inner peace.
With this profound experience, the leaders inspired almost 1000 youths to the Nairobi Centre to have the experience inner peace. The leaders organized programmes in various slums of Nairobi to give this experience of inner peace to their people.
Seeing the overwhelming success of The Pause for Peace project in Nairobi we took this project to the 47 counties of Kenya and throughout Africa.
Trainings and sessions were conducted on: Harmony in Relationships, Practicing Values in Daily life, Positive Thinking, and Stress-Free Living Skills, Meditation, etc.
All sessions ended with a live Self-reflective commentary giving an experience of our original nature of peace, our true Home, the world of peace, our Father the Ocean of Peace and spreading vibrations of Peace to the world.
Programmes took place in hospitals, schools, universities, colleges, industries, factories, banks, hotels, communities, temples, churches, clubs, farms, medical centres, Petrol Stations, Police Stations, prisons, orphanages, Government Offices, County Offices etc.